Friday, February 17, 2012


Metabolism is responsible for  the chemical reactions that happen in your body. Starting with production of hormones, enzymes, nutrient absorption ,burning calories etc.

Whether you want to lose or gain weight, you should keep your metabolism working. How do we do that? Eating small portions each 2-3 hours  if you want to lose weight, and if you want to gain weight you can keep the same formula just add more calories in your meals.

If you have long hours between your meals, your body can be storing the calories that you ingest because you are not providing enough sources of calories, so your body absorb and store to go trough the day. Assuming that you do not ingest your daily calories divided in more than 3 meals during the day, your body can be absorbing and storing some of the calories you ingest in adipose tissues, making it difficult to burn off those calories.

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