Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Deep tissue massage is one of the many massages that brings you pleasure and relaxation, but the benefits are beyond that. This massage technique focuses on the deepest layers of muscles, tendons and fascia which is the protective layers surrounding muscles, bones and joints.
A single 45-60 minutes session will bring you benefits like  blood flow increase, stress relief, reduce chronic pain and reduce blood pressure.
I personally advise anyone to try deep tissue massage and feel the benefits, you will feel your body relaxed and even your mood can change.
Take a break and look for a good professional, keep in mind that deep tissue massage is not deep pressure  massage trough the whole body, deep tissue massage is deep and intense a masseuse would take hours to perform a full body massage. Some people feel sore after the session, but do not feel scared, this means that muscles which were tense for a long time are now relaxing.
This technique is a good option for people who exercise intensely and do not give much importance to stretching.

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