Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Running is a very simple exercise that anyone can do. If you like to run or want to start there are some points that you have to give some attention.

Start with your shoes. Your running shoes should have good soles. Using worn out shoes to run can overload your knees and ankles causing pain and injuries. On the flip side new shoes are not good either to run in until they mold to your feet and your muscles get used to a new pair of shoes. 
When you buy a new pair of running shoes make sure they fit comfortably with enough room for slight swelling. 

Warm up well before starting to run or jog. Some people go straight to the treadmill and jog in order to warm up, this is a big mistake because if your muscles are not warm they will not be able to absorb impact and at the the same time,  you will be overloading your knees and ankles.
You can warm up in low intensity about 10-15 minutes, do some stretches and you will be good to run. 
Do not forget to stretch again after your run!

When you are running you should keep an upright posture, the first part of your foot to touch the ground should be your heel then roll your foot until you push off with your toes.

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