Monday, February 27, 2012

Body type: Ectomorph

Ectomorph is a classification for a body type which has difficulty gaining weight, muscles and storing fat. This body type is characterized by long and thin arms and legs. Normally this type of person has a fast metabolism, which is one of the main factors in identifying an Ectomorph.
There is nothing wrong with being an Ectomorph, but if you are trying to gain weight and increase your body mass, do it in a healthy way.

First you should watch what you are eating. Some people try to over eat to gain weight while others eat and go straight to bed. Others eat a lot of junk food thinking that the high amount calories will help them see the results they want. Some people consume large amounts of supplements, yet nothing works. You should eat food that has nutritional value, proteins, carbs, vitamins and good fat. Doing this will help you increase your body mass. Eat more meals than what  you are currently eating and increase your total daily calorie intake. With a good meal plan you can achieve your results.

Work out! In order for your muscles to absorb the nutrients and store them, you need to stimulate your muscles. Working out is a way for  your muscles to store more nutrients also giving you more energy to train. Make sure you are being monitored by a qualified professional, so you can get the results and so that you do not waist your time doing the wrong thing.

Rest is a very important part, because if you do not rest your body can not recover, and if it does not recover you can not see the results.

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