Sunday, February 12, 2012


Green Tea has been a target for many years of research and discussions. Much time and effort has been spent  to discover the benefits that can help you when you include green tea on your daily intake. 
Listed are some benefits, but keep in mind that is not just start to ingest the green tea and sit on the sofa all day you are going to be healthy, you need to do your part as well!

-Fights premature aging of cells;
-Assists the regeneration of the skin;
-Promotes healthy longevity;
-Lowers total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol);
-Increases levels of HDL (good cholesterol);
-Lowers blood pressure;
-Acts as an anticoagulant intravascular;
-Reduces the risk of myocardial infarction;
-Reduces the risk of stroke;
-It strengthens blood vessels;
-Reduces the risk of various cancers;
-Strengthens the immune system;
-Acts as anti-inflammatory and flu;
-It helps dilate the bronchi, making breathing of asthmatics;
-Assists in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia;
-Protects the gastrointestinal tract of harmful bacteria;
-Assists in the digestive processes;
-Prevents formation of gall stones and kidney;
-Helps normalize the thyroid function;
-Prevents tooth decay and gingivitis. 
There are 2 ways to have the green tea which will bring you benefits. Making the green tea using the leaves, sold at the stores, the tea bags are processed and they do not have the same properties as the one prepared with the leaves.  
The other way is the capsules that are made with the appropriate concentrations of the green tea leaves. Some people prefer to ingest capsules to avoid the bitter taste of the green tea.

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