Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Treat cancer with IV vitamin C - Recent clinical success

(NaturalNews) The use of IV (intravenous) vitamin C to treat cancer is growing in popularity around the world as positive research continues to accumulate and build a strong case for its effectiveness. The latest cohort study out of Germany is one more example, showing that IV vitamin C markedly improves the quality of life for breast cancer patients. Such positive results are likely the reason why many thousands of patients worldwide elect to be treated with this therapy every year.

IV Vitamin C for Cancer: Current Status

It is now well established that by injecting vitamin C we can safely reach concentrations at which ascorbate generates hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in tissues, and it is the H2O2 that selectively kills cancer cells through oxidative stress. Laboratory studies have confirmed that high-dose vitamin C is cytotoxic to a wide variety of cancer cell lines, and that it also boosts the anti-cancer activity of several common chemotherapy drugs. In animal models (rats), IV vitamin C has been shown to significantly decrease growth rates of liver, ovarian, pancreatic, and glioblastoma tumors with dosages easily achievable in humans. The science behind IV vitamin C as a cancer therapy is now so advanced that there are six clinical trials testing it (alone or with chemo drugs) in human patients against lymphoma and cancers of the colon, breast, uterus, cervix, prostate, pancreas and others.

IV Vitamin C Helps Cancer Patients: Clinical Evidence

Clinical trials have not yet shown IV vitamin C to shrink tumours, but that's no reason for an oncologist to reject this therapy. Improving quality of life is also an important goal of cancer treatment, and clinical experience shows IV vitamin C does exactly that. A prospective study from Korea (2007) showed that this therapy significantly improved quality of life for terminal cancer patients, bringing the global health/quality of life score from 36 to 55 and yielding improvements in physical, emotional, and cognitive functions. Disease symptom severity also decreased across the board, with patients showing significantly less fatigue, nausea/vomiting, pain, and appetite loss.

These results were echoed in a study just completed in late 2011 in Germany, which compared breast cancer patients receiving IV vitamin C and standard therapy together, versus standard therapy alone. Those receiving IV vitamin C experienced a marked reduction (nearly 50%) in unpleasant symptoms and chemo/radiotherapy side effects such as loss of appetite, fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, dizziness and haemorrhagic diathesis.

The Use of IV Vitamin C is More Widespread Than You Think

Experiences such as those above are bringing more patients to try IV vitamin C - as are high profile patients. For example, the celebrated New Zealand physicist Sir Paul Callaghan elected to treat his colon cancer with IV vitamin C, and his CEA level (a colon cancer marker) started to decrease after only six infusions. This therapy is already widespread in New Zealand: 30 clinics provide it, administering about 10,000 vitamin C injections annually. In the US, a recent survey showed that over 8800 patients were treated with IV vitamin C in 2008, using a total of 355,000 dosage vials. But that was just for the health care practitioners taking part in the survey. For the same year, manufacturers reported sales of 855,000 vials of vitamin C. This implies that as many as 21,000 patients received IV vitamin C therapy in 2008.

Ongoing clinical trials using IV vitamin C to treat cancer won't complete until 2013 to 2014. But until then, clinical evidence already shows that this therapy can - at the very least - significantly improve cancer patients' quality of life. Oncologists should therefore strongly consider adding this therapy to their standard clinical practice.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Ethan Evers is author of the award-winning medical thriller "The Eden Prescription,"? in which cutting-edge researchers perfect an effective and all-natural treatment for cancer, only to be hunted down by pharmaceutical interests which will stop at nothing to protect their $80 billion cancer drug cash machine. The Eden Prescription is based on the latest science and draws on real historical events stretching back to the beginning of the "War on Cancer." Ethan has a PhD in Applied Science.

The Eden Prescription is available on amazon:
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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Benefits Of Juicing

Benefits of Juicing - Juicing for Health The benefits of juicing are numerous and well documented. The USA in common with rest of the western hemisphere is currently suffering from an epidemic of obesity and rising rates of ailments including heart disease, diabetes and cancer (to name but a few) as we increasingly consume fat and sugar laden fast and processed foods.
However, over the past few years a new trend has developed, which reflects an increasing interest in organic and healthy foods. It seems that more and more people are waking up and realizing that their dietary habits are shortening their life spans. It’s more than just athletes and health professionals who are slowly but surely acknowledging that the benefits of juicing can help them to be healthier and happier over an extended life span.  


  • Juicing for health provides vital nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for our bodies to repair themselves, strengthen the immune system and for cell regeneration and growth.
  • Unlocking nutrients of raw foods is one of the vital benefits of juicing. Fiber is quite literally locked into many vegetables and fruits and the potential benefit of the fiber is lost as the digestive system does not unlock it. Juicing releases the fiber’s nutrition so that benefit may be realized.
  • Normally we do not consume peelings, seeds and pits of fruits and vegetables. These parts are a rich source of vital nutrients we normally throw away. A good quality juicer extracts juice from the whole veggie or fruit, including peelings, pits and seeds to provide vitamin and minerals that would otherwise be lost.
  • Heat kills live enzymes. A quality juicer minimizes heat in order to preserve the most live enzymes possible.
  • Using a good quality juicer will cause the least amount of foaming in the juice. Foam is indicative of oxidation of the juice which lowers the antioxidant benefit. Less foam equals more antioxidant benefit.
  • Juice is an excellent snack or meal replacement that is very filling. Many dieters claim that juices assist them to lose pounds with no hunger.
  • The antioxidant effects of juices will help detoxify your body and help you eliminate the toxins, fats, preservatives and chemicals that a diet of processed foods leave behind in your body.
  • Increased energy and mood uplift are collateral benefits of juicing. As your body becomes detoxified and “cleaned out” it will be more able to access and utilize restorative and sustaining nutrients which most likely will make you feel better in general. When you feel better you are more energized and happier.
  • The most readily digestible or absorbable form of foods, not to mention the most concentrated form, is juice. Juicing makes foods easy to digest and thus, easier for the body to receive maximum benefit from the source food.
  • Making your own juices allows you to make any combination of fruits or vegetables that you choose into juice – and you know what’s in it, unlike produce on the supermarket shelves.


  • None that we  know of . . . .

Simply put, juicing is good for you.
The benefits of juicing start at creating your own blends of delicious drinks and end at fighting disease. In between are benefits of increased nutrition available to your body for healing or growth by releasing nutrients bound by fiber and increased nutrition since juices are easier to digest than whole foods. Juicing maximizes nutrition derived from a food in more ways than one. As previously mentioned, the body can more easily extract nutrients from juice than whole food. In addition, juice maximizes nutrients by utilizing the whole food, peelings, seeds and all. Juicing is therefore a very efficient way to consume the maximum nutrition available from fruits and vegetables. Once you are in the habit of juicing and begin to realize the benefits of juicing, start to feel vibrant, alive and full of energy, there will be no turning back! Drinking delicious, freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juice is something anyone can do to promote better health, fight illness and disease, combat premature signs of aging, boost energy and vitality - fruits and vegetables contain enzymes, phytochemicals, antioxidants and other protective substances that are essential for good health.

Key Health Benefits of Juicing:

Juicing Benefits - So What can Juicing Do For You?
Juicing Benefits -- The benefits of juicing cannot be overlooked. As people look for healthier ways to eat and live, juicing has increased in popularity.
Not only does it provide you with a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but also there are also beneficial enzymes, antioxidants and fiber. Millions of people implement a glass or two of fresh fruit or vegetable juice into their daily diet. Below, you will find some more information about juicing benefits.
Juicing Helps Digestion
One of the major juicing benefits is that it helps the body's digestive system function more effectively. It aids in relieving constipation, can reduce the risk of colon cancer, and has a cleansing effect. The nutrients in fresh juice from raw fruits and vegetables are more easily absorbed than when eating whole foods.

Nutritional Benefits
You know that one of the benefits of juicing raw fruits and vegetables is that you get all that wonderful nutritional value. These foods are packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as other important substances for optimum health. Enzymes and antioxidants help the body experience fewer symptoms of certain diseases.

Relieve Symptoms of Many Diseases Health Conditions
You will likely be surprised at these juicing benefits. For example, fresh ginger juice can relieve the pain of arthritis. Fresh cherry juice can help ease joint pain caused by gout. Fresh carrot juice is very effective at relieving constipation. There are so many ways that fresh fruit and vegetable juice can make you feel fantastic.

Juicing Tips
Juice tends to oxidize quickly. As this happens, the levels of nutrients begin to fall. This is why it is so important to drink juice as soon as possible after you make it. Some juicers work better than others at keeping oxidation at bay, allowing you to make enough juice to last a couple of days in the refrigerator. However, the sooner you drink it, the more nutritional value it has.
You can find some very flavorful recipes to use with your juicer. You can combine fruits and vegetables to get the best nutritional value or choose just one ingredient. These recipes can be found at many websites online, but there are usually recipe books included with new juicers, as well. Don't be afraid to try something new. You might just find your favorite juice through experimentation!
In Closing
Juicing benefits go far beyond convenience and taste. This is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle and you will be amazed at how much energy you have. Many people credit their longevity to juicing, as well as a youthful appearance. After just a few days of juicing, you will notice that your skin is brighter and younger looking, you have tons of energy and that your vitality is much improved. Why hesitate to get started down a new pathway to overall health and wellbeing? Start today and see the difference!