Saturday, November 30, 2013

Did you know?

Finding peace and stillness within yourself is CRUCIAL to your body’s health. 90% of all diseases and illnesses are either caused or aggravated by stress, and meditation is a great way to restore balance in your body. A shift in consciousness causes a shift in biology, and when you are peaceful and calm during meditation, you release chemicals such as seratonin, oxytocin, and dopamine which help stabilize the immune system. Did you know that meditation is scientifically proven to:

- Overcome stress (University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2003)

- Boost your creativity (ScienceDaily, 2010)

- Improve your sex life and increase your libido (The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2009)

- Cultivate healthy habits that lead to weight loss (Journal Emotion, 2007)

- Improve digestion and lower blood pressure (Harvard Medical School)

- Decrease your risk of heart attack (The Stroke Journal, 2009)

- Help overcome anxiety, depression, anger and confusion (Psychosomatic Medicine, 2009)

- Decrease perception of pain and improve cognitive processing (Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 2010)

- Increase your focus and attention (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007)

- Increase the size of your most important organ – your brain! (Harvard University Gazette, 2006)

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