Saturday, April 25, 2015

This Simple Oil Protects Kidneys, Cure Diabetes And Is A Great Aphrodisiac

Cinnamon essential oil is one of the most versatile essential oils. Cinnamon is a sweet spice relished all over the world. It is also used as an herbal tea. Cinnamon is also used to extract an essential oil which has its exact sweet, pervading aroma which is very soothing. Cinnamon essential oil has a plethora of health benefits and healing properties.

Homemade Cinnamon Oil

MethodItems you will need: cinnamon sticks, a glass jar, preferably amber or green with a wide mouth and straight sides (for ease in straining out the substances), and olive oil.
Steps:1 – Get enough cinnamon sticks and stuff them inside the glass jar. Fill up all the empty spaces if possible.
2 – Pour the olive oil inside the jar until all of the cinnamon sticks are entirely covered.
3 – Place the glass jar in a warm place such as your window. Secure it so it won’t topple over. Leave the jar for about three weeks.
4 – Shake the jar daily. This will release the cinnamon oil from the base oil.
5 – After three weeks, the oil from the cinnamon sticks will be completely released and will be formed as cinnamon oil. Using a piece of cheese cloth or similar material, strain the cinnamon oil. You can also use your fingers to pull out the cinnamon oil from the sticks.
6 – Put the cinnamon oil in an amber bottle and store it in a cool, dry place.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon oil

Add 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil to food after it is cooked. One good way to use it is to mix this one drop in salad. Consuming just 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil provides nutrients from cinnamon. It helps to lower blood glucose levels and has a stimulating effect on the pancreas. Cinnamon essential oil from the bark contains cinnamaldehyde which exerts this strong blood glucose lowering effect.
Protects Kidneys
Cinnamon essential oil has a protective effect on the kidneys. It has been found to prevent the kidneys from damage induced by alloxan. Similarly, it can protect the kidneys from damage by environmental toxins and reduce its workload.
Urinary Tract Infections
Women are especially prone to infections in the urino-genital tract, although it affects men too. These infections are generally bacterial or fungal. They can be treated by taking a warm water sitz bath with essential oils in it. Use essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus and tea tree essential oil. Add 10 – 15 drops in this water bath. It provides quick relief from UTI and other infections in a few applications.
Cinnamon essential oil is used with other anti-rheumatic essential oils to make massage oils for relief from arthritis. Add 4 – 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil in a base oil like mustard oil. Warm the oil gently. Now massage the painful joint with this oil combination. Regular massage once a day provides quick relief from arthritis.
The aroma of cinnamon essential oil is warming and uplifting to the senses. Inhale directly from the vial of cinnamon essential oil for about 1 minute. Its warming aroma soothes the mind and helps one overcome negative feelings.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

Our skin absorbs what we put on it, which makes the surface of our skin important for health. We need to be conscious about the things we apply to our skin. Choosing natural and organic ingredients helps lessen the amount of toxins entering the body. One study proves that substances applied to the skin can permeate into the deeper tissues and pass through the body’s lymphatic system. (1,2)
A perfect demonstration of this is to try the ‘garlic breath’ test. Simply rub some fresh garlic on the soles of your feet and within 15 minutes, your breath should smell like garlic. This fact proves that what you put on your skin circulates throughout your body. (3) Garlic is known to fight a cold or cough, (4) but what about onions?

Onions can purify blood

Onions are allium vegetables, rich in organosulfur compounds and quercetin. Sulfur is considered a master antioxidant. It recycles other spent antioxidants, creating glutathione. Quercetin is an antioxidant flavonoid found in fruits and veggies, but occurs in considerably high amounts with allium vegetables. (5)
Studies reveal that onions can enhance antioxidant status in the body, protect kidney poisoning, reduce breast cancer risks, lower the risk of prostate cancer, and more. (5) In Chinese medicine, onions help purify blood without needing to ingest it. Benefits can occur when the onion is applied via the neural pathways of the feet. (6)
Onions are known as air purifiers and when applied to skin, they can kill germs and bacteria. In addition, onions contain phosphoric acid (the stuff that makes you cry), which upon entering the bloodstream, purifies the blood and kills bacteria or germs. (6)
Feet are a direct link to the organs of the body
In Chinese medicine, the feet contain meridians, which are connected to the body’s internal organs, and help explain why grounding is important for one’s health. Meridians are electrical pathways to each organ within your body. Did you know that there are 7,000 nerve endings on the soles of your feet? (6) There are more nerve endings per square centimeter in your feet than anywhere else on the body! (7)
One of the cheapest ways you can open up meridians and help purify internal organs is to cut up onions and put them in your socks along the soles of your feet while sleeping. Three simple steps:
  1. Cut up organic onions of your choice (red, white, or yellow) into slices.
  2. Put the onion slices in your sock on the underside of each foot.
  3. Go to bed. (6)