Monosodium Glutamate known as MSG is a food additive used to enhance the taste of meat, canned food, soup, drinks and many other products found in grocery stores and restaurants. MSG has been used for many years, but nowadays it's use is exaggerated in almost all the products that we ingest, as a factor it is causing much harm to us and I am almost sure you have at one time or other felt some of the symptoms listed below caused by ingesting MSG:
- Headache
- Flushing
- Sweating
- Facial pressure or tightness
- Numbness, tingling or burning in the face, neck and other areas
- Rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations)
- Chest pain
- Nausea
- Weakness
You may not realize that almost all the things that you ingest contain MSG. Now that many people are more aware of this matter, companies are using different ingredients that contain this chemical, Calcium caseinate, Sodium caseinateYeast food, Yeast nutrient, Autolyzed yeast,Gelatin,Textured protein,Soy protein, soy protein concentrate,Soy protein isolate,Whey protein, whey protein concentrate and the list keep going on and on. MSG makes your pancreas increase the production of insulin, leading you to obesity,diabetes and hypertension, we are being slowly poisoned and we do not even know it. Kids are growing up predisposed to many diseases and parents wonder why?
I really appreciate the families who try to grow their own food, and avoid the maximum manufactured products. This is a movement that we all should support and if at all possible we should try to grow our own food or purchase our food from those who grow it organically.
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